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Blurb Here is a registered R.TCM.P. and proud owner of Jade Wellness. In 2005, she earned her Doctor of TCM degree from the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver. After graduation, she pursued post-graduate studies in Chengdu, China, where she delved into acupuncture, internal medicine, and the foundation of Chinese Medicine in classical literature.

In 2016, Erin decided to focus on the classical approach to Chinese medicine under the guidance of Sharon Weizenbaum. This training not only honed her skills in herbal medicine but also allowed her to provide more comprehensive and holistic care to her patients.

After more than a decade of successful practice, Erin discovered a new approach to acupuncture called Saam. This style was developed by a Buddhist monk in the mid-17th century, and its incorporation into her practice has opened up new avenues for healing and transformation.

Erin began her practice in Revelstoke in 2007, and she remains passionate about helping her patients achieve optimal health and wellness.

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